Subdivision Applications Process
Subdivision applications within the RM of McKillop require provincial approval from the Community Planning Branch. The approval process can take between 8 to 12 months, or potentially longer, depending on the complexity of the subdivision. Once submitted, the application will be referred to the RM for review. The RM, in turn, engages professional planners to ensure that the subdivision complies with the RM's Zoning Bylaw, Official Community Plan, and any other relevant policies or bylaws.
Service Agreement Requirements
Please be advised that the RM of McKillop No. 220 requires a service agreement for all subdivisions. The following items may be required as part of the service agreement:
- Municipal Road Allowance Road Widening: For the area proposed for the subdivision.
- Drainage Plan: A surface drainage plan, prepared by a professional engineer or other qualified individual(s).
- Road and Approach Construction: Roads and approaches must meet RM standards.
- Utility Installation: Provision of essential utilities (e.g., water, sewer, power).
- Provincial Requirement – Municipal Reserve Allocation: Options may include providing land, cash-in-lieu, deferral, or a combination, at the discretion of the RM Council.
- Professional Fees: Fees for professional services, such as the time required for the Municipal Planner to review and facilitate the subdivision process.
- Public Notice Costs: Costs associated with notifying landowners, newspaper advertisements, consultations with ratepayers, etc.
- Zoning Bylaw Amendments and/or Rezoning Costs: Any changes to the zoning bylaw or rezoning requirements.
- Geotechnical Report: A report prepared by a professional engineer, including minimum building elevation requirements. If there are hazard land concerns, an interest may be registered on the property title.
- Master Servicing Agreement: An agreement for any conditions required by Council to complete the subdivision (e.g., infrastructure development, parcel ties, planning fees).
- Additional Conditions: Any other requirements deemed appropriate by Council, such as construction or maintenance of boat launches, beach areas, infrastructure installations, or maintenance agreements.
Please Note: All costs and requirements are subject to change without notice.
Developer Responsibilities
Developers are responsible for all costs associated with the subdivision process. Please note that this includes, but is not limited to:
- Land surveying costs
- Land title registration costs
- Application fees to the Community Planning Branch
- Legal fees and other related expenses