Organized Hamlets

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Organized Hamlets and Development Policies

The Rural Municipality (R.M.) of McKillop No. 220 is home to nine (9) Organized Hamlets, each governed by its respective Organized Hamlet Board.

Bylaws and Policies
It is important to note that all bylaws and policies enacted by the R.M. of McKillop No. 220 take precedence over any development guidelines or property ownership statements provided by property developers. Prior to proceeding with any activities on your property, we strongly encourage you to contact the R.M. Administration Office to verify the applicable bylaws and requirements relevant to your specific situation.


New Bylaw Regarding Trailers
The R.M. Council has recently passed a new bylaw permitting trailers to serve as the primary use of a property, provided that an appropriate permit has been obtained. Previously, the use of a camper was restricted unless a cabin, house, RTM (Ready-to-Move) home, or modular home was already present on the property. Under the new bylaw, a permit must still be acquired for trailer use. Please be advised that the use of multiple campers on a single property is not permitted. Alternative arrangements must be made for additional campers.

The annual permit fee for trailer use is $250, in addition to an annual garbage fee of $250.

For further details, please refer to the Trailer Permit and Fee Bylaw 427-2022 and complete the necessary permit application.

Trailer Permit And Fee Bylaw 427-2022

Provincial Association of Resort Communities of Saskatchewan (PARCS)

The Provincial Association of Resort Communities of Saskatchewan (PARCS) is an independent association dedicated to supporting and advocating for the interests of cottage communities across the province. Their mission is to be the leading voice for the preservation and enhancement of the cottage lifestyle in Saskatchewan. For the latest updates from PARCS, please refer to the following announcements.

May 3/22

May 4/22

June 12/22

Aug. 27/22